Kissing Secrets Revealed

Kissing Secrets Revealed
by H.Bangambiki

Kissing Explained

Kissing your lover should be an everyday affair, an expression of your
love for him or her. You should not use every kissing session as a
prelude to sex.
The kiss is the single most intimate display of affection. The kiss is
the key that opens the door to both her heart, and her body. It has
been found that most women based their decision of whether they would
sleep with a man, on his kissing abilities!

A Man Sees Kissing as the Next Step on a Quest

Most men if given a chance to kiss a woman thinks while kissing that
when can we get to step two? And three and four? Is she aroused yet?
Can I put my hand on her breast now? A man sees kissing as the next
step on a quest. Many men take kissing as a step to get down to the
good stuff. As a result, they rush through the kissing and do not get
to fully enjoy the delightfulness of a long, passionate, kiss.

The Kiss Should Not Be a Step but a Destination In Itself

Actually the kiss is not a step, it is the the destination itself. A
man kisses a woman like he will never do anything else with this
woman, as if he never wants to do anything else with this woman. But
this is when the woman decides there will be other activities on the

Kissing- Keep It Simple and Sexy

You want to be a great kisser? Then keep it simple and sexy. Forget
about impressing her with that heavenly kiss. Instead, indulge
yourself in a simple, sexy and intimate kiss. Rid your mind of any
kissing performance thoughts, and instead, realize that she's opening
the door to her soul and body. Enjoy the moment!

Kissing Says Something Words Can't

If the eyes tell the secrets of a person, then lips are the informers
of our consciousness. Our lips respond to happy thoughts by smiling,
they express our deepest emotions with words of love and hope ,and
kissing is the only way to say something that words can't.

The First Kiss?

A first kiss!! It should always be done while the two of you are
alone.(Do I need to tell that?) This will help to avoid any
unnecessary nervousness and embarrassing situations. The best type of
kiss is one that uses different variations...such as starting with a
small kiss, working into a French kiss, maybe sucking on your
partner's upper or lower lip...

And don't just leave kisses to the lips. Kiss the whole face. This can
be very seductive and romantic.

Kissing is an Art Form

Kissing is an art form. The kissing experience is different for each
of us.The first step to kissing is known as finding her comfort level.
Make sure she is ready for a kiss and do not start anything until she
is comfortable.

Give a Memorable Kiss

The best kisses are those that are memorable, but leave you pantingly
wanting more. The language of a kiss is communication without words.
At various times you want to communicate attraction, affection, love,
passion, lust, and I'll miss you, baby. Pay attention to what your
mate responds to, and what seems to turn him or her off, then adjust
your techniques accordingly.

Great Kissing Tips

After you've kissed him/her once, you know he/she wants to kiss you.
But what if you two have never kissed? The first kiss is the hardest.

Couples should not limit kissing merely to times like making out, or
as the conclusion to a date or a prelude to something more. Kissing
your lover should be an everyday affair, an expression of your love
for her. You should not use every kissing session as a prelude to s*x.

Good and Bad Kissing

If you are a bad kisser, what a woman will never, ever say to you she
was going to have s*x with you until just that moment. This is one of
the ways in which men and women differ. If a man is very attracted to
a woman but discovers she's a bad kisser and if he is presented with
the opportunity, he'll probably have s*x with her anyway. A woman
can't get past a bad kiss. After all, if he hasn't mastered kissing
and fails to see its sensual possibilities, what hope is there for
anything else?

Kissing Techniques

The secret to being a great kisser is to keep it simple and sexy.
Forget about impressing her with that Casanovian kiss. Instead,
indulge yourself in a simple, sexy and intimate kiss. Rid your mind of
any kissing performance thoughts, and instead, realize that she's
opening the door to her soul and body. Enjoy the moment!

You could ask him/her to kiss you, but that takes a lot of courage.
But you can tell, without reading his mind. Here are some ways. He
could have worked on the science project with someone else, but he
asked you. He could have called somebody else to chat about the Math
assignment, but he called you. He could have sat anywhere in the
cafeteria, but he sat next to you. It all means he likes to hang out
with you.

And what about when you're with him. Does he sit close to you? Does he
smile and look happy when you're together? These are all signs that he
likes you and might want to kiss you.

Dos and Don'ts for Kissing

1.Don't drool all over her mouth while kissing. Women don't like wet
or sloppy kisses.

2.Don't keep your lips stiff and rigid. You've got to keep your lips
soft and sensuous. She needs to be able to feel your lips.

3.Don't keep your lips closed. Open your lips! Women don't enjoy
kissing just a slit on a guys face.
If you don't know how to kiss properly, try to practice on the back of
your hand. Pretend that you are kissing a hot & sexy beautiful woman
that you're dying to become intimate with. You could also practice
kissing yourself on the mirror.
In short, if you really want to succeed with single women in the love
and romance department, you must be a good kisser.

A great kiss should always be when you're alone with her. A movie
theatre is a good place because it's dark and people won't be paying
attention. Try to sit near the back, though, for privacy. But I do
believe that a first kiss should be the good-bye kiss. When you're
dropping her off at her place or saying good-bye from seeing one
another until the next time, ask her if it's okay if you kiss her.
It's not childish or geeky to ask a woman that. It's respectful and

Daniel Day-Lewis belongs in the kissing hall of fame for Best Use of
Hands. He gently caresses his costar's face and touches her hair, a
model of how hands can increase the erotic pleasure of the moment.

Bear in mind the hands should not be used to prevent the woman from
going anywhere or to clamp her head into one uncomfortable position.
Remember most women like men to toy gently with their hair. After
decades of bad press about sticky hairsprays and helmet hair, most of
us have been using products to enhance "touch ability" and are
favoring hairstyles that look good a bit tousled. So go ahead and
touch hair. And quit using all that sticky hairspray and goo so we can
go back to touching yours.

Keep in mind that using your tongue is not required for kissing... if
you are not experienced, save the French kissing (kissing using your
tongue) for later. Lots of the greatest kisses are all about the lips.
When you are comfortable kissing your partner, experiment with
different ways to taste and nuzzle his lips. Caress his lips by
brushing your lips back and forth against them, lick the outside
corners of his mouth, and try using different pressures and movements
to gently explore your partner's lips. Notice how good his lips feel
against yours, and try different things to make them feel even better!

Bad Kissing Could Make You Loose a Girl

If you are a bad kisser, what a woman will never, ever say to you she
was going to have s*x with you until just that moment. This is one of
the ways in which men and women differ. If a man is very attracted to
a woman but discovers she's a bad kisser and if he is presented with
the opportunity, he'll probably have s*x with her anyway. A woman
can't get past a bad kiss. After all, if he hasn't mastered kissing
and fails to see its sensual possibilities, what hope is there for
anything else?

Who Likes Kissing the Most?

It seems that even though men think kissing is okay, they looked at it
more as a necessary evil to get to the good part. Women seemed to
prefer long, lingering kisses that didn't necessarily have to lead to
anything else. Reportedly, for a woman, pressure from their male
partner to make it lead somewhere took away from the enjoyment of the

What to Avoid While Kissing?

1.Don't drool all over her mouth while kissing. Women don't like wet
or sloppy kisses.

2.Don't keep your lips stiff and rigid. You've got to keep your lips
soft and sensuous. She needs to be able to feel your lips.

3.Don't keep your lips closed. Open your lips! Women don't enjoy
kissing just a slit on a guys face.

4.Avoid bad breath.If you want to ruin a perfect kiss then bad breath
is your best possible solution. Now no need to say that you should
avoid spicy foods, garlic and onions just before. If you want to eat
then another solution is make sure you're both eating spicy food, so
neither will notice.

5.Silence. Every now and then say something sweet.

The Ultimate Kissing FAQ

Kissing Faq-1. What to Avoid While Kissing?

1.Don't drool all over her mouth while kissing. Women don't like wet
or sloppy kisses.

2.Don't keep your lips stiff and rigid. You've got to keep your lips
soft and sensuous. She needs to be able to feel your lips.

3.Don't keep your lips closed. Open your lips! Women don't enjoy
kissing just a slit on a guys face.

4.Avoid bad breath.If you want to ruin a perfect kiss then bad breath
is your best possible solution. Now no need to say that you should
avoid spicy foods, garlic and onions just before. If you want to eat
then another solution is make sure you're both eating spicy food, so
neither will notice.

5.Silence. Every now and then say something sweet.

Kissing Faq-2. How to Kiss Pationately?

The great secret to great kissing is variety. Sometimes be gentle and
at other times be rough. Tease your partner with a little bite on the
lips as if you wanted to eat them up! Press your nose into your
parteners cheek and hug

Kissing Faq-2. What Part of the Tongue to Use?

Another important aspect of kissing is to use the middle part of the
tongue in your kiss because of the large number of sensitive nerve
endings there. The kiss you give your partner will be positively

Kissing Faq-3. What to do if you Bang Teeth

Lough it off.Tell your partner you're so keen to kiss him and that you
are grtting dizzy just standing close to him/her. They'll believe you
and be confident and go on

Kissing Faq-4. Where to Kiss

Kissing in public is cool, but not in front of Mom. Men loved to be
kissed with their eyes open, so that you two lock eyes seems to drive
them wild. Men and women both seem to like being kissed in places
other than the lips with neck, ears and eyes ranking highly.

Kissing Faq-5. Who is Kissable?

Men and women both thought the idea of kissing someone who was clean,
had beautifully full and shapely lips, who was attractive, and who
possessed a great smile and nice teeth was a "10" on the kissable
scale. Guys also felt that if a woman seemed open and friendly, she
was more likely to be the recipient of a romantically spontaneous kiss
than a woman that seemed uptight.

Kissing Faq-6. Who Likes Kissing the Most?

It seems that even though men think kissing is okay, they looked at it
more as a necessary evil to get to the good part. Women seemed to
prefer long, lingering kisses that didn't necessarily have to lead to
anything else. Reportedly, for a woman, pressure from their male
partner to make it lead somewhere took away from the enjoyment of the

Kissing Faq-7. How to French Kiss?

The secret to french kissing is responsiveness.Sometimes you lead, at
other time you let your partner lead. Don't just use your tongue like
a dart.

Kissing Faq-8. How to Handle Your First Kiss?

Bluff yor way through the first kiss. No one will know it's the first
time unless you say so. Try a gentle lip kiss and keep your lips
closed. If you open up, you're inviting a tongue kiss famously known
as a french kiss

Kissing Thoughts

If eyes tell the sectrets of a person, then lips are the informers of
our consciousness. Our lips respond to happy thoughts by smiling, they
express our deepest emotions with words of love and hope ,and kissing
is the only way to say something that words can't.
You can take a look on the following tips to make your kissing a
fabulous experience.

During kissing, just gently press your lips against hers. You can move
your lips a bit back and forth against hers or in a small circular
motion at your will. When you meet her lips at slight angle, it is the
best type of kiss. This gives more opportunities to explore, it feels
nicer, and will give you a chance to French kiss if you wish.

Keep your eyes closed once you are into the kiss. You might want to
keep them open until you have actual lip contact. But when the kiss
has started, eyes closed, is the way to go. It can really help you
shut out the world and focus only on the kiss. It is generally
considered as guys who kiss with their eyes open are usually thinking
of something else besides you. If you catch your partner kissing with
eyes wide, be careful - he might not be good material.

You might want to follow movie stars but there are some movie stars
who perpetuate bad kissing styles. Take Tom Cruise Method (as seen in
Top Gun), for example, whereby his tongue is already slithering out
before he's met her lips. It is referred to as the Lizard-King Style.
Most women do not like the idea of kissing a large snake, which is
what this must be similar to. The only response possible is for the
woman to open her mouth wide and remain motionless while he finishes
his routing, a posture that calls to mind trips to the dentist.

About opening your eyes, there is one more view. Some people find to
keep open their eyes open to be an impossible task (like sneezing with
your eyes open), but while the customary belief is that we must try to
block out all other sensations, you may find that kissing with your
eyes open is the very much equivalent of making love with the lights
on. And if you're going to be kissing for several hours in a make-out
bar, it's a good idea to take a look at economic conditions!

How to get him/her to kiss you?

Many times people find themselves nervous sending out mixed signals.
You might want him or her to kiss you, but your nervous behavior might
be saying "just stay away."

First of all you and your posture should be open. Sit or stand close
to the person whom you want to kiss. Face him or him. Look in his or
her eyes, not at the ground. Don't cross your arms or lean away; or,
instead of "kiss me" you'll be saying "go away!"

Smile is also important. Here is something for women. Get close to
him. Don't fear to hold his/her hands. Ask him to help you remove an
earring, or undo the clasp of that gold chain you're wearing. To do
that he's got to put both hands on your neck.
Now turn your head, and look in his eyes, and be quiet. Smile. If he
says anything, just interrupt and whisper his name softly. He'll kiss
you for sure!

Kissing and sex

There is a lot of fun in kissing. Its not like just because you are
kissing a guy you have to do anything more.

On the other hand, once you're kissing passionately, you might both
feel like going further.

I think best way to avoid going further is to kiss him or her in a
semi-public place. Theatre is the best place according to me. If you
kiss him in a movie theater or on your front porch, sex is not likely
to happen right there I hope.

On the other hand, if you're sitting on your bed when your parents
aren't home, there's not really anything to stop you, so it's
something you might want to avoid.

The following is a list of kisses you should avoid:

You must avoid the Lizard kiss in which your tongue darts in and out
of his or her mouth like a reptile probing for something.

Another kiss to avoid is one called the Roto Rooter in which your
tongue ventures so far down her throat that it actually begins to
choke her.

Another is when you operate your tongue much like a swordfish, and use
your nose in a blunt and violent manner.

The one kiss in which you rarely come up for air.

Avoid the freezing condition in which you never change the position,
posture, or angle of your head. Its really boring.

You seem to emit an awful smell and taste. All she can think of is how
to slip you a breath mint.


Below you will find a variety of kiss types. If you find some that
catch your fancy, feel free to try them :-)

Butterfly Kiss - With your faces less than a breath away, open and
close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the
fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.

Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred
kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's
shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.

Earlobe Kiss - Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking
noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors.

Eskimo Kiss - With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub
your noses together.

Eye Kiss - Hold your partner's head with both hands and slowly move
their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go... then slowly
kiss up towards your partner's eyes and give them a tender kiss on top
of their closed eyes.

Eyelid Kiss - While your partner is resting/sleeping with eyes closed,
very very gently kiss the spot right below their browbone. A very
intimate kiss.

Finger Kiss - While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This
can be very seductive and pleasurable.

Foot Kiss - An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax
and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently suck the toes and then
lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the
foot while performing the kiss.

Forehead Kiss - The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The
forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your
lips lightly across the crown of their head.

Freeze Kiss (or Melt Kiss) - Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a
small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your
partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic and
sensual french kiss with a twist of cold.

French Kiss - The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the "Soul
Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the
mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the
French call this "The English Kiss".

Fruity Kiss - Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips
(juicy fruits such as grapes, strawberries, small pieces of pineapple
or mango are ideal). Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the
piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half,
allowing the juice to run into your mouths.

Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your
lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed
with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.

Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a
mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often
included in erotic foreplay.

Hostage Kiss - Cover your lips with tape and get your love's
attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell
them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they
remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say tell them:
"I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss your love

Hot and Cold Kiss - Lick your partner's lips so that they're warm, and
then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual
explosion, and they will often try it on you next, as well as get very

Mistletoe Kiss - Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle
holiday kiss under the mistletoe. This is also a good method for shyer
individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.

Letter Kiss - Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the
letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as

Lick Kiss - Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you
partners lip whether it be the top or bottom one depending on the
position of your lips. Very sensual.

Lip Sucking Kiss - When kissing gently suck on their lower lip. This
can be very exciting.

Neck Nibble Kiss - Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End
with a gentle kiss on the lips.

Nip Kiss - This kiss can create a very erotic sensation. While kissing
your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very
careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly,
this kiss ignites wonderful sensations.

Reverse Lips Kiss - It involves standing above your lover and kissing
them from over their head. This way, each kisser can take the
hyper-sensitive bottom lip of thier lover in their mouths, and GENTLY
draw blood to the surface of the lip by nibbling and sucking. A very
sensuous, connecting kiss.

Searching The Cavern - Use the lips and tongue to gently tickle and
kiss your lover's navel. Vary speeds and stroke to change sensation.
Invigorating and intoxicating.

Shoulder Kiss - Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top
of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.

Sip Kiss - Take a small sip of your favorite drink. Leaving a little
bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to
create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it.

Talking Kiss - Whisper sweet nothings into your partner's mouth. If
caught in the act, simply say as Chico Marx, "I wasn't kissing her. I
was whispering into her mouth."

Teaser Kiss - Starting on the forehead, a sweet short kiss on lips,
then move up the arms up to her hand, kiss her hand, then come back up
her arm, to her face and then lightly kiss her lips till she wants a
passionate kiss.

The Buzzing Kiss - Gently place your lips against your lover's neck ,
behind their ear. Now, send a shudder through their skin by gently
growling and humming, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so.
Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips.
Stimulating and erotic when done correctly.

The Whipped Cream Kiss - Dip your finger into some cool whip or
whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your
partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for
a wonderfully sweet kiss. It's very seductive and passionate.

Tiger Kiss - Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do
not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and
gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too.
This will surely surprise them.

Trickle Kiss - Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly
into partner's mouth while kissing.

Tongue Sucking - A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth
kiss gently suck on your partner's tongue (not too hard because it may
hurt). Very sexy :-)

Quickie Kiss - When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather
than the lips.

Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you
were sucking the air from your partners mouth. This is a playful kiss.

Wake Up Kiss - Before your partner awakes lean over and kiss their
cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach their lips.
Definitely a more than pleasant way to wake up!

Worst Types of Kisses

The Katrina Kiss.

If you watch television and are even the least bit aware of world
events, you know what I'm talking about! This is a kiss with entirely
too much water. You are drooled on, slobbered on and when the kiss is
over, you feel the need for a towel and maybe a shower. If you have a
salivary gland problem, or your partner just makes you drool with
lust, try swallowing before you start kissing.

The Iguana Kiss.

Crusty, crunchy, scaly lips are OUT. This is a true case of lizard
lips! Keep that kisser soft and touchable. If you run your lips gently
across your lovers neck, cheek and lips, they shouldn't be left with
what look like paper cuts.

The Prozac Kiss.

You might wonder if this tongue needs tranquilizers, as it appears to
be having a nervous breakdown! Fast, furious, darting or high-speed
swirling motions reminiscent of a washing machine on the rinse cycle.
Interesting I suppose, if you're into that sort of "household
instrument" thing.

The Cave.

In this instance your partner's mouth is open so wide that your tongue
meets nothing but air on all sides! There is no exchange of sensation.
It's like you're kissing by yourself! Try saying something and see if
you hear an echo!

The Dirty Harry.

Guys, either grow a beard or shave. That 5 o'clock shadow thing looks
cute, but it can wreck havoc on a woman's tender body. Whisker burn
just plain hurts. You don't know what it feels like to have sand
papery stubble pierce the skin around your eyes or cheeks! With half
her face scraped off, a woman feels less than romantic and is more
inclined to get up to seek medical treatment than she is to get busy.

Trolling for Tonsils.

Everybody likes tongue kissing, but my goodness! A little restraint on
the depth of the kiss might be in order. If you have a tendency to
extend your tongue to its full length in your partners mouth, be sure
to check for a pulse when you get through.

The Kiss of Death.

You would swear that there is a body buried around here somewhere,
because the smell of decomposition is mighty strong! Brush those
teefis! Use one of the vast selections of mouthwashes on the market.
Hey, they even come in various colors, so it's possible to find one
that coordinates with your bathroom décor! Get a new toothbrush every
3 months! Visit your dentist and check for gum disease and cavities,
both of which contribute to bad breath. Eat more fruits, vegetables,
and drink more water to keep your insides clean too.

13 Most Popular Kissing Techniques

Kissing can be a wonderful prelude to more intimate pleasures, or a
joy unto itself. But only if you know what you are doing! Here are 13
most popular kissing techniques I know so far.

1.Angel Kiss

This is a sweet, comforting kiss. You could practice this by gently
and ever so lightly kiss your partner either on the eyelid or right
next to the eyes. Most effective for girls of all ages!

2.Cheek Kiss

A friendly kiss. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently
brush your lips across her cheek.

3.Butterfly Kiss

With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids
against your partners.

4.Freeze Kiss

Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open your mouth and kiss
your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic
and sensual French kiss with a twist of cold.

5.Eskimo Kiss

With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses
together. Really funny!

6.Earlobe Kiss

Gently sip and suck the earlobe.

7.French Kiss

The famous French kiss involves the tongue. Some call this the "Soul
Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the
mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues.

8.Forehead Kiss

The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. Simply brush your lips
lightly across the crown of their head.

9.Foot Kiss

An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it!
To give a toe kiss gently suck the toes and then lightly kissing the

10.Hand Kiss

Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the
top of her hand.
Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed
deference to a lady.

11.Letter Kiss

Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x
several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as xxxx.

12.Mistletoe Kiss

Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under
the mistletoe.
This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from
a potential lover.

13.Neck Kiss

Come up behind the person you want to kiss. Lightly lick the back of
their neck, then kiss the back of their neck a few times.


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